Επιμόρφωση καθηγητών μας!

Με χαρά ανακοινώνουμε ότι η καθηγήτρια της Α’ κανονικής Ms Voula ολοκλήρωσε σήμερα σεμινάριο διάρκειας 17 ωρών με θέμα:
“CAREER PATHWAYS”-Becoming a consummate professional in your chosen field.
Αναλυτικά, επιμορφώθηκε στα ακόλουθα:
Monday, 19/9: Find Your Voice and Express Yourself
A step to increasing learner participation is to be the model of autonomy-both a leader and a team player. Set the tone, create a safe atmosphere and prepare to listen to your learners. On-going self-evaluation, profiling and continuous assessment at opening and closing of meetings. Encourage learners to practice all language and digital skills by providing them with reasons for self-expression.
Tuesday, 20/9: Achievements and Aspirations: Teacher Creativity
Keep your morale high by raising the bar for yourself and your learners.
Assess what you have done and usually do and, then, dream of what you have yet to do. Create your own materials? Incorporate the use of media to add novelty to your lessons? We will consider elements of task design and, through workshops, develop original activity and project ideas.
Thursday, 22/9: Image & Presence
The image, i.e., appearance, body language, concrete direct exchanges create in our professional lives and in the lives of our learners will be demonstrated and practiced. Tact, assertiveness, affirmation, positive attitude and smiling, contribute greatly to our professional presence and need to become part of our holistic self. Discussion of the ways the above attributes become crucial during interviews, presentations, panel discussions AND teaching.
Friday, 23/9: Getting It Write
Effective professional communication DEMANDS the practice of the written word and expression on the part of any professional: CVs, reports, emails, position papers, exam topics, essays, writing power points and presentation skills are the musts in our communication in the professional world. We write to learn and to develop, both as writers and as speakers of the foreign language we have been using and teaching for some time. Short workshops and demonstrations will follow discussions and suggestion.